Ius et Praxis 2012
LA AUTONOMíA DE LA VOLUNTAD Y PROTECCIóN DEL CóNYUGE MáS DéBIL EN LA DETERMINACIóN Y FORMAS DE PAGO DE LA COMPENSACIóN ECONóMICADOI: 10.4067/S0718-00122012000100002 Keywords: compensation, autonomy of will, weaker spouse, forms of payment. Abstract: this paper examines how the principles of protection of weaker spouse and autonomy of will operate in two specific aspects of the right to compensation as set out in articles 61 to 66 of the new civil marriage act, such as the determination of right, either by agreement between the spouses or by court order, and also the different ways of payment of the compensatory allowance, an area that has gained importance in recent years.