Ius et Praxis 2012
VISIóN CRíTICA DESDE EL ANáLISIS ECONóMICO DEL DERECHO AL SISTEMA DE VERIFICACIóN DE CRéDITOS Y REALIZACIóN DE ACTIVOS DE LA LEY DE QUIEBRAS CHILENADOI: 10.4067/S0718-00122012000100009 Keywords: bankruptcy law, verification and admission of claims, assets liquidation, economic analysis of law. Abstract: in this article, the authors adopt an approach based on the economic analysis of law to argue that the stages of verification and admission of claims, and of liquidation of assets, in bankruptcy cases, should aim to enhance recoveries and benefits for creditors, as a normative objective. in this regard, the authors describe these stages, pointing out the deficiencies of current law, and proposing certain guidelines for a reform framed in the economic analysis of law and in comparative law.