Compara??o do teste modificado de fixa??o preferencial com o convencional em pacientes com estrabismoDOI: 10.1590/S0004-27492012000200002 Keywords: amblyopia, visual acuity, strabismus [diagnosis], fixation, ocular [physiology], predictive value of tests, risk factors, vision tests, sensitivity and specificity, comparative study. Abstract: purpose: to compare the accuracy of the fixation preference test performed with the patient touching and looking at the fixation target, to the conventional method test done with the patient only looking at it. methods: a pilot transversal and prospective study was done with 40 strabismic patients with deviations greater than 10 prism diopters, from 7 to 30 years old. results: the modified test had a sensitivity of 93% (ic 95%=68.53 - 98.73%) and specificity of 77% (ic 95%=57.95 - 88.97%); while the conventional test had a sensitivity of 93% (ic 95%=68.53 - 98.73%) and a specificity of 46% (ic 95%=28.76 - 64.54%). conclusions: our results suggest that the modification of the fixation preference test by asking the patient to touch the fixation target might reduce the number of false positive results of the test.