LO MISMO, LO OTRO, LO ANáLOGO: COSMOLOGíA Y CONSTRUCCIóN HISTóRICA A PARTIR DEL REGISTRO ICONOGRáFICO SANTAMARIANODOI: 10.4067/S0718-68942011000200003 Keywords: funerary urns, iconography, cosmologies, analogy, facial ornaments. Abstract: santa maría funerary urns were produced by calchaquí artisans between the eleventh and seventeenth centuries. many of these urns display an anthropomorphic being called "the figure with long eyebrows." the article offers a comparative iconographic analysis of an enormous sample of vessels that focuses on urns with atypical neck decorations. these are compared to material specimens of facial ornaments and their iconographic representations in the central andes and northwestern argentina. based on the models of the same, the other and the analogous, it is proposed that the referents of the atypical designs on the necks of the urns are real objects: facial and cephalic ornaments worn by persons with specific roles within past societies.