Colombia Forestal 2012
CARACTERIZACIóN DE DOS PARáMETROS DEL LáTEX DE CLONES DE Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex A. Juss.) Müll. Arg. EN LA ALTILLANURA COLOMBIANAKeywords: rubber, drc, tapping, tsc. Abstract: latex was characterized from rrim 600, ian 873 and fx 3864 hevea brasiliensis clones, during the third year of tapping in the colombian altillanura region. using random sampling, six tapping systems were evaluated per clone on a monthly basis for ten months. response variables were total solids content (tsc) and dry rubber content (drc) in latex. data was adjusted by covariance analysis and matrices for comparison among response variables were generated for tapping system for each clone. annual average rate of tsc and drc was statistically different among treatments. the greater average tsc (36.8 % - 46.3%) and drc (35.5 % - 43.4 %) occurred in systems without tapping stimulant application. higher precipitation resulted in a decrease in average drc values for all clones.