Praxis Filosófica 2010
DE LA FORMACIóN HUMANISTA A LA FORMACIóN INTEGRAL: REFLEXIONES SOBRE EL DESPLAZAMIENTO DEL SENTIDO Y FINES DE LA EDUCACIóN SUPERIORKeywords: formation, integral-formation, education's quality, superior education. Abstract: in the actual education's outlook the concept of humanistic or classic formation has lost validity face to the so-called integral-formation and the emphasis to guarantee the education's institucional process quality. this article, in first place, describes, the essencial features of humanistic formation. in second place, it examines the arguments which talk in favor of the humanistic-formation's aims. finally, in a third place it ponders the education's quality and integral-formation concepts showing the risks which takes to have lost from the horizon the humanistic formation's ideals.