EL ENFOQUE DEL MARCO COMúN EUROPEO DE REFERENCIA PARA LAS LENGUAS: UNAS REFLEXIONES SOBRE SU PUESTA EN PRáCTICA EN LAS FACULTADES DE TRADUCCIóN E INTERPRETACIóN EN ESPA?ADOI: 10.4067/S0718-48832010000200004 Keywords: cefr, applied languages, foreign languages, teaching/learning, university, competences. Abstract: this article aims to review the focus of the common european framework of reference for languages in the context of spanish universities, and more precisely in the teaching/ learning of english as a foreign language in translation and interpreting faculties in spain. nowadays, following the guidelines of the language policy division of the council of europe, such faculties have become privileged places to face the challenge of european convergence. they also have a key role to play in the development of the competences and professional skills of their students.